Generating Your Own Life, Generating Your Own Future
This Boot Camp is about a “Call-to-Action” for individual women in leadership roles in the AEC industries to fully own and embrace their own power—and to learn how to leverage that power in support of their own futures and the future of an industry going through a monumental transformation. For all to fully embrace and leverage their collective talents to influence and effect transformative change in an industry in need of creative destruction. Women leaders MUST take advantage of the opportunities before them and take full responsibility for the potential of their own contributions. The days of waiting to be asked, or waiting to be invited, or waiting our turns is over. The cost to our communities, companies and families in performance, productivity, and effectiveness is too great.

The Boot Camp Mission
About the Boot Camp
What To Bring:
- Casual & Comfortable Shoes
- Clothing appropriate to higher altitude climates (layered clothing, including a warm jacket, hat and gloves)
- Rain Gear may also be needed
- Outdoor activity included
Registration Fee $3,295 per person. Includes:
- Lodging for three nights
- All meals and daily snacks
- Three days of workshops and activities
- Pre-event assessments
- Post-event coaching
- Workbook and materials
- Professionally led outdoor activity
- Post-Boot Camp Action Plan
- Access to recreation (and peace) at the Nature Place